Tuesday 10 July 2012

Tuesday 10th July

Not bad conditions but the fish just weren't playing the game today, fewer anglers than normal on due to bad conditions earlier on, heavy rain showers and a reasonably strong westerly wind.

For those fishing its been challenging, the typical British weather not doing us any favours currently, air pressure up and down, and the weather not remaining consistent! However a few more fish showing later on in the evening as the occasional swallow swoops down over the lake, clearing the fresh hatches from off the surface.
Again as always at most fisheries, both trout and coarse, early mornings and late evenings fishing best, most of the fish caught over the last week have been first thing in the morning or later on when the fish switch on and start to feed a lot more heavily.

The water is virtually back to its normal clarity, finally! So hopefully were in for a good days fishing tomorrow, clearer water and with the Members Session again on Wednesday at 6:30pm til late, its should be good fishing. Not a great deal of the previous stock have come out yet, so hopefully the conditions will be primed for tomorrow.

One of my favourite patterns, which do very well at curleys dwial bachs, will do well tomorrow with the damp conditions overnight and the humid temperatures during the day (alot of hatches brought on by the conditions).

A lot of anglers today, have been fishing floating lines, but with very fish showing near the surface, try a little deeper, midge tip, intermediate, fast glass, slow sink, fast sink. Always keep on the move, generally the fish wont hold in one spot for long, keep on the move.

Recommended flies:

Enjoy nymph or buzzer fishing? - or are the fish feeding and your not quite sure what on?
[Sub surface invertebrate, sparing a few, move very slow with the current of the water, possibly working their way up to the surface to hatch, therefore these flies will be more effective when fished static! ]
  1. Team of Buzzers, fished at various depths on either floating line and a long leader or intermediate fished washing line style.
  2. A Dwial bach teamed with crunchers and a buzzer on the point covers alot of the trouts diet with 3 simple yet effective flies. 
Fish in an aggressive mood?-or chasing small fry around the shallows?

  1.  Zonkers, either black or white have been doing well, they resemble a small fry (roach, perch etc) and believe it or not even at this time of year the trout are still chasing small fish, as they are a readily available food source in curleys. Stripped back, or if the trout are not following or energetic enough. Try a slow figure of eight, and allow the material to do the work, almost like a dying or injured fish, a easy meal for a trout!
  2. Orange dancer and bright coloured lures fishing much better now the water has cleared up! Slowly stripped back or even the, interesting, "roly poly" retrieve. The roly poly retrieve can be a very effective method, as the flies are constantly moving at the same pace through the water which can stand out from other retrieves. A lot of trout haven't seen this retrieve before, and it can be very successful at Curleys.
I hope this will help Anglers catch more fish and any questions no matter how big or small - email me on the address below!

Members evening session tomorrow! 6:30pm til late
Click here for details on the members evening session.

Quick tip: Grab yourself a ticket mid evening and make the most of the evening rise!

Tight Lines,

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