Thursday 31 July 2014

Thursday 31st July

The new stock of lures have finally reached us after having been held up in customs for about 3 weeks!!
Some great patterns and still at the very competitive price of 75p per fly or 10 for £6.50.

Much better weather for fishing now, the water has cooled a little and more showers forecast - all good.

Monday 28 July 2014

Mon 28th Update

Relative beginner on this morning who had about 5 rainbows and 2 browns on a 2 hour permit. Best time fly fishing he has ever had!!

Fly Fishing picks up

The fly fishing has been in the doldrums the last few weeks with all the hot weather and dry conditions. Now we are seeing a bit of rain with showers forecast and the temps have gone down the fish are far more lively and no doubt hungry. As this trend hopefully continues the fly fishing will get back to its best until the next heatwave!

Don't forget the coarse fishing event this coming weekend.
I have seen lots of larger perch, roach, bream and carp knocking about sun bathing in the conditions!
Don't forget you need to pre- book if you want to fish early on any of the coarse days.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

9th July

Well the last forecast of torrential rain didn't really materialise, I wonder if the next lot will?
Recently 2 or 3 fish has been a good result as the Rainbows are all over the place and don't know when to twist or stick?
The majority of the trout are still deep but some are lolling in the surface.
I had two of my instructor trainees here on Monday for a lesson in double handed casting and they were both simply using a tag of red wool on the end of the leaders. Both of them got follow after follow with trout being really aggressive, if they had been using flies then they both would have caught plenty.

Tactics to use  - simply think outside the box, avoid your "go to use" method and flies that have been hidden away in the depths of your fly boxes and haven't seen the light of day for years!!!!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Sat 5th

Overcast rainy conditions today as forecast, the fish will still be relatively deep but if this keeps up then they will start to rise nearer the surface.

My approach for what it's worth would be an intermediate line and a team of buzzers. Any good buzzer - ish,  pattern is worth trying - epoxy, skinny, with or without breathers, daiwl bachs, cormorants, Black Pennel, Bibios, etc etc.
Alternatively go more hard core with a sinker and a team of blobs or a couple of boobies and strip back quite fast but deep!

Thursday 3 July 2014

3rd July

Well at last the weather looks like breaking into a wetter but cooler spell which is desperately required for all types of fishing. Coarse, trout, rivers, stillwaters and reservoirs have all suffered from this long lasting period difficult conditions. Hopefully with a bit of rain everything will brighten up and wee can get back to some good action.

Those who have had the experience, knowledge and tackle have been able to overcome the worst bits of the conditions but is has been fairly slow going for everybody.

I had Jeff Prest the features editor of TROUT FISHERMAN MAGAZINE contact me to ask if I had any special tips for overcoming these conditions for an article they are doing - so it has been a National problem not localised!

So let's get back to fly fishing ------ lots of insects about, buzzers of course, but also gnats and sedges. THE mayfly hatch has now stopped but has been replaced with some smaller mayfly species the pond olive.
