Monday 19 September 2011

Back to normal

Fishing at Curley's is now back to it's best after a horrible August in particular.
The last 4 or 5 days has seen lots of fully finned fish caught with some catching a double figures.

The fishery was stocked last week and will be stocked again tomorrow.
Most methods seem to be working - lures, nymphs, buzzers and dries.

Please remember to handle the fish correctly by following the fishery rules - ask the bailiffs for more information if you are unsure.


Saturday 3 September 2011

Maintenance Work


The Fishery will be closed on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th this week to enable us to do some maintenance  work.
Since taking over the fishery operation I have noted some work that needs to be done and by closing for a couple of days it will enable us to get the main jobs completed in one hit rather than letting them drag on for weeks.

Sorry if this causes you any inconvenience but will will be open on Friday 9th September onwards as usual.

Geoff Allington, the new bailiff has now started full time at the fishery and will soon become a very familiar face. I am sure he will introduce himself to all our visitors, regular or new.