Tuesday 19 February 2013

Tues 19th

Update on the day so far
Everybody has caught including the pike fishers!
The odd fish rising but the majority are about 10ft deep, taking a variety of lures.
Beautiful day and surprisingly warm, long may it continue!

Cold night last night and a sharp frost this morning, the fish will be deep.
Preferred tactics maybe try a sinking line and a booby or two?
We allow the use of boobies at Curley's provided you keep them moving with your retrieve.

Boobies started off life as a static fly used with a sinking line and very short leader, you cast out and basically left it alone. The fly line sank to the bottom and the booby floated above, motionless or simply swaying about on the current. This can be an effective method but NOT allowed at a lot of fisheries including Curley's. The reason being that the trout very often attacked the fly with aggression and nearly everytime swallowed it deep, meaning that you had to kill the fish.

However if you use a sinking line with a normal length leader, keep retrieving, you are simply moving the fly through the water in a different profile as the fly is above your line.
Another advantage is if you are fishing on the embankment you will avoid getting caught on the stonework.


  1. hello mike,
    Would be brilliant to see some photos as it does get rather simplistic reading text!
    Take care, charles.

  2. You can please some of the people some of the time etc.....etc......
    One can but try!


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